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Thursday, August 28, 2008

An Egg by any Other Name...

Okay grandma's, eggs DO have other names. Don't let me eat anything with the following names on the label:

  • Albumin/Albumen
  • Conalbumin
  • Egg Substitutes, e.g., Egg Beaters, etc.
  • Globulin
  • Livetin
  • Lysozyme
  • Meringue
  • Ovalbumin
  • Ovoglobulin
  • Ovolactohydrolyze proteins
  • Ovomacroglobulin
  • Ovomucin, ovomucoid
  • Ovotransferrin
  • Ovovitellin
  • Silico-albuminate
  • Simplesse (a fat substitute)
  • Vitellin

Possible sources of egg to look out for include the following:

Alcoholic cocktails/drinks (such as sweet Marsala), eggnog, foam/milk topping on coffee
Baby food
Baked goods, baking mixes, confectionary (e.g. candy, chocolate)
Battered/fried foods
Creamy dressings, salad dressings, spreads (e.g. mayonnaise)
Desserts (e.g. custard, dessert mixes, ice cream, pudding)
Egg/fat substitutes
Icing, glazes (e.g. egg wash on baked goods, nougat)
Meat mixtures (e.g. hamburger, hot dogs, meatballs, meatloaf, salami, etc.)
Pancakes, waffles, French toast
Pasta (e.g. egg noodles)
Quiche, soufflé
Soups, sauces (e.g. béarnaise, hollandaise, newburg)

There are also other names for peanuts:

  • Arachis Oil
  • Beer Nuts
  • Cacahouete/cacahouette/cacahuete
  • Goober nuts, goober peas
  • Ground nuts
  • Mandelonas, Nu-Nuts
  • Nut meats
  • Valencias

Possible sources of peanuts:

Artificial nuts (peanuts that have been altered to look and taste like almonds, pecans and walnuts)
Baked goods and mixes
Ethnic foods (curries, egg rolls, satays)
Fried foods
Hydrolyzed plant protein/vegetable protein (source may be peanut)
Peanut oil
Snack foods and confectionary
Soup, sauces and gravy


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